Twenty-Two Things I Love About You

Happy birthday to Ry, happy birthday to Ry, happy birthday dear Ryan, happy birthdayyy…you’re old AF. Just kidding- let’s be real, 22 is such an insignificant birthday.

In honor of it being Ryan’s 22nd birthday today, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share a little about our relationship and what makes him the most important person in my life. Maybe after this post you’ll have a little bit better of an idea as to why I refuse to ever let him go, 8 years later…

Here are 22 things about Ryan and why I love him so much:

  1. He is literally my best friend in the entire world.
  2. I could spend 24 hours alone with just him and still be upset when it is time for him to leave me. I swear, I get sad puppy eyes when he does.
  3. He knows every little thing about me. He knows when I am about to cry, what makes me laugh, and when I am actually mad and not just pretending to be (lol).
  4.  He lets me dress him and pick out his clothes with only a little bit of arguing. He doesn’t do that well with change so the “new trend thing” doesn’t really go over that well with him. I told him when we move in together I am doing a closet clean out/revamp like Kanye did to Kim. Stay tuned for how that goes.
  5. He is the perfect NJB – “nice jewish boy” – to ever live. This makes loving him even easier since marrying someone that is jewish is important to both of our families. Fun fact: we met for the first time at a bar mitzvah when we were in 7th grade and he tried getting me to kiss him one day at Hebrew school.
  6. This may be more a pro for him, but he loooovvvess that I am only 5’2 since he’s only 5’8. When he reads this one, his reaction will definitely be “onnlyy 5’8???!!!” HAH.
  7. There is not a single thing I do not trust him with. I think he is the smartest person I know and I trust him to help guide me correctly with every decision I make in life. Not to say I’m not independent, but how could I not go to him for advice on everything when I know he is always there for me to set me on the right path??
  8. He is hardworking and determined with everything he does in life. (snaps to him for starting work in July at Bessemer Trust!!!)
  9. One of the first random things he ever told me was that he was obsessed with Batman and dreamed of having a batman belt- that day is still yet to come and if it does it’ll be thrown out in that Kimye closet cleaning.
  10. He LOVESSSS watching snapchats of Ruby Lou with me. No further explanation needed.
  11. We share the same aspirations in life… you know, to be rich and famous. JUST KIDDING!!
  12.  He hates trying new foods, but will eventually give in and try after I beg for 5 minutes straight and swear to him that it’s not that bad.
  13. We share the same passion of traveling and seeing the world together. Although I studied abroad and have traveled a lot, he still says he wants to go back and experience everything together.
  14. Family is extremely important to Ryan and it is also very important to me. I know that he will be a family man in the future and an amazing husband and father one day. Jeez, marriage and kids… I think I changed my mind- 22 might actually be old.
  15. He has no problem being the big spoon when we cuddle all the timeeeee. (My favorite thing to do is cuddle so duhhh this is like the best thing about him.)
  16. He pushes me to be the absolute best person I can be and to be the person I want to be.
  17. He is a neat freak!!!!! and guess what, I totally am not!!! His crazy OCD ways about him help me keep my room and life in order at times when I am slacking.
  18. He is a D1 lacrosse player at John’s Hopkins. What girl doesn’t love a guy and his sticks?? (I am embarrassed over how many dirty lacrosse jokes I know. Thank you Ryan.)
  19. Following up with the last one, without him I wouldn’t know anything about sports so the little that I do know I owe completely to him. Catch me either sitting silently in the sidelines bored waiting for the game to end or biting my nails with nerves and screaming at the ref for a bad call. You choose which you think happens more often.
  20. He treats his mom like an angel. My dad always told me to find a guy who treats his mom well no matter what age he is because that is how he will end up treating his wife one day.
  21. He supports me in everything I do in life. He tells me I can be whatever I want to be in life as long as I am passionate about what I do (and make a lot of money LOL). He was actually the one to push me to start my blog!
  22. Not sure if I love him or hate him for this, but instead of actually screaming at me for my aggressive driving, he stomps on the floor as if he has his own break pedal. Does anyone else do this? I think I need to start blindfolding him…
  23. And another one for good luck: He somehow someway makes me love him more and more every day.


Hope this gives you a glimpse of what makes Ryan so special and amazing. I am so lucky and fortunate to have him in my life.


Ry, I hope your birthday is as special as you are to me.


I love you,


